Radio Diag. & Imaging

Conventional Radiology
The Radiology Dept. is equipped with conventional X-Ray Machine 300(MA)GE and 500(MA) allenger to be installed this year.Our work comprise of routine Radiological examination of chest, abdomen ,spine and extremities. Dept. also does urological examination such as intravenous Urogram , micturating cysto urethrogram. Portable Radiography Unit are also kept in Hospital Ward Block for patients who are sick to come to the Department. Ultrasonography Dept. is equipped with latest Doppler USG Machine. We do routine USG of abdomen ,antenatal sonography for abnormalities in developing babies,ovulation studies ,paediatrics and neonatal sonography , neurosonography , muscular skeletal USG,transvaginal and transrectal sonography and sonography of small parts(thyroid ,scortum). Doplar Sonography for abdomen ,pregnancy,carotid and peripheral vascular diseases.
C.T Scan Machine
We were equipped with 16 slice Multi detector C.T (Bright Speed G.E) which was donated by Tata Trust in 2006 and was destroyed in flash floods of August 2010. Now new machine(16 slice Multidetector C.T of Philips) will be installed before the winters which has been donated by Prime Minister of India.