Goal Statement
The Goal of the Hospital is Curative role par excellence supported by care and custody and augmented by research and education.

The old 10 bedded primary health centre located in the present chief medical office with a few facilities was converted in july 1976, into a 150 bedded centrally heated hospital with an initial cost of Rs 4.76 lacs.The foundation stone was laid by Late Sonam Norboo, the then minister for PWD in the ministry of Sher-i-Kashmir late Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah, the then Chief Minister of J&K State. The first phase of 50 beds, which cost Rs 60 lacs, was inaugurated by shri S.S Bloria, the then district Development Commissioner, leh in December, 1980. Central heating was taken up in late eighties and completed at a cost of Rs 82 lacs.
Aims & Objective of the Hospital Administration
The product of this machine is the ‘service’ or the ‘medical Care’ provided by a hospital. This product is intangible and dependent on so many people acting individually and collectively and does not lend it self to easily definable standards or to simple units of measurement.
Role of Hospital Administration towards patient
The primary reason for Hospital’s existence is for curative care.The patients are the sole reason for hospital’s establishment. A hospital therefore has to design its entire operational system centering around the patient. The hospital administration has to ensure that this objective of a hospital is achieved in its entirety.
Profile of a hospital patient
A patient is a person who is member of a society in need of medical care. He is not an object or disease entity. When he comes to the hospital he brings along with him all his emotions, all his need of individuality and his need for independence. A hospitalized patient is under great stress.
Though it is expected the nurses will give equal care and will not allow personal liking or disliking, but this does not always happen. Some patients become unpopular because they grumble, or complain or demand attention.
The Hospital administrator has a great responsibility to understand these behavioral aspects of patient care and take appropriate measures to negate these dysfunctional aspects.
The Hospital administrator also has to understand the specific needs of a special group of patients so that those needs can be met. These groups of patients are patients in wheel chair, elderly, pediatric patients, new born babies and patients in I.C.U.
Creation of a friendly environment
The Hospital administrator must Endeavour to make patient comfortable and welcome. The hospital usually have imposing buildings, strict rules, formidable and intimidating looking gadgets, glum faced hospital worker. The H.A must recognize these and all necessary measures to make the hospital as friendly to the patients as possible.
Our Priority patient First ;
We Pledge to Serve.
Right patient on Right bed with Right services around him.

Welcome to S.N.M Hospital. It commenced as a 150 bedded district Hospital which aims to be regional hospital catering to the whole region of Ladakh plus the floating population and the tourists visiting the place. S.N.M Hospital is the biggest hospital and the most functional hospital around. Today with its bed strength improving, and world class infrastructure coming up and with a significant presence not only all over the state of Jammu & Kashmir, but known all around in India and abroad. S.N.M Hospital is driven by a single thrust, to provide the best standards of patient care. It is this passion that has lead to the development of departments of Excellence across various disciplines of Medicine. We at the Hospital have Top class specialists in almost all fields and mince no words by asserting to provide the best possible care to patient regardless of caste, creed or color. The Hospital has made quality healthcare accessible to the people of India, and even overseas. It has become an institution of trust, and a beacon of hope to so many searching for a cure for their ailments.
The hospital has the state of the art machinery and equipments with a whole range of latest CT scan, colposcope, endoscope, echo-cardiograph, C-Arm, and may acquire the latest version of MRI in the recent future. Our Man-power from Specialist Doctor to the staff in the waste management is dedicated and do their best at their own level. To enhance performance and service to customers, the hospital also makes available the services to support telemedicine services, education, training programmes & research services and a host of other non-profit projects like the pharmacy started by the Red-cross society headed by Mr.Feroz Ahmed. The pharmacy provides drugs at 50-80% discounted rates under the Jan Aushadi scheme. It aims to be a major hub at the National as well as the Global healthcare. Vision Statement The vision of the Hospital is to be Regional Tertiary care Hospital in the region with the state of the Art facilities where all kinds of ailments are treated with minimal referrals and State of the Art research facilities that combines the finest in medical treatment, with strong ethical principles and a culture of care and compassion.

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