
Ophthalmology Eye Department
Eye Department consists of :--
1. Clinical Services.
2. Refractives Services
3. Investigative Services
4. Operative Services Staff Strength
1. Two Eye Specialists.
2. One Ophthalmic Assistant.
3. One Refractionist.
4. One Orderly.
Equipments of Eye Department.
1. Carl Zeiss Ophthlmic Operating Microscope.
2. Phacoemulcification machine {APPA}
3. HAAG STREIT SLIT LAMP with computer assisted photography.
4. Ultrasound A Scan Biometry
5. Keratometer
6. Lensometer
7. Synoptophor
8. Direct Ophthalmoscope Beta 200
9. Applanation Tonometer
Clinical Services
We provide visual improvement and visual sight restoring services to people from all over India ; particularly Ladakh region of Zanskar through out the week.
On one side patients comes from Nubra i.e right from Pakistan border area.
And on other side patients comes from Changthang ie right from Chinese border. And in summer most of laborers and tourist from rest of India.
We greet tourist from foreign countries also.
In the refractive department..All Patients are screened for eye sight ,refractive error,and any other eye ailments. Corrective spactacles are prescribed to patients having refractive errors.We screen all OPD patients for Glaucoma by doing,,non contact applanation tonometry.Funduscopy.gnioscopy and field charting.
These include ,,right from VISUAL testing..presbyopic correction; slit lamp examination..indirect ophthalmoscopy. Gnioscopy Funduscopy,, Syringing and Field charting.
Operative services are
A. Major Operative Services
These include, Vision restoring operation ,,I.O.L. Cataract Operation ..Once on every week on Wednesday in this multispecialty hospital. Glacouma operative procedures,Dacrocystorhinostomy for watering eyes. Ocular muscles surgeries for suiting eyesand other eye lids surgeries.
B. Minor Surgeries
Minor Surgeries are provided in eye OPD through the week right from 10am to 4pm when and where needed.
We provide 24 hrs ocular emergency services to all and every needy patients and if needed ,evenoperation are carried out immediately for perforation and penetrating eye injuries.