
HOD: Dr. Phunchok Norboo
Dental Department of SNM Hospital is staffed by 6 dedicated Dentists and 7 abled dental assistant. The Department has 6 functional dental chairs, RVG and OPG to render various oral health related services to the general public. The Department offers OPD services where patients are screened for all types of oral health conditions like dental decays, gum diseases, facial neurologies, oral pre cancerions and cancer lesions and offers their remedies. It offers treatment like tooth colored restoration (light cave filling, GIC), pit and fissure sealants, bonding of crown and bridges, teeth gap closure, splinting, root canal treatment of both milk and permanent teeth, Apicocectoning, Apexigenesis, Apexification, Post and Core, Normal and surgical tooth extraction, Minor Surgeries (Cyst enucleating, Jaw fraction, reduction, Surgical Extraction of Impacted teeth), Ultra sonic Scaling and root planning, operenlectoning, fluoride sealant and Natal and Neonatal tooth removal.
The Department also imparts Dental health education regarding oral health preventive measures and cares.